At Renovess we provide a unique range of housing solutions. Our aim is to provide housing through our own funding initiatives as well as by working with Governments, International Organisations and Private Organisations. Our solutions provide a varied range of accommodation across the globe meeting the affordable housing needs in emerging markets, rapid deployment accommodation in remote locations for military and oil & gas exploration as well as the more conventional Commercial Units, Retail Buildings, Hotels and High End Residential Properties.
For the Caribbean and Southern United States we design our buildings to be light and flexible so as to result in minimal damage from upto Category 5 hurricanes.
We have for the last 20 years specialized in providing Consultancy Services, Project Management and Contracting Services for Clients seeking quality housing. Ensuring that we always deliver the requisite quality in a timely manner and to budget. We present the best professionals, products and services based on the most current international standards.
What makes us unique is not only the wide range of services we offer but the unparalleled extensive local and international expertise of our team.
We believe in establishing long-term relationships with our clients and therefore always focus on working with our Clients to ensure that they receive maximum benefit from the Projects. Our goal is to provide minimum stress for our Clients by ensuring continued communication, delivering projects on time and on budget whilst ensuring quality is not compromised.
With more than 50 years of expertise our team feeds into our knowledge sharing database reports on issues and challenges faced in the planning and execution of our projects and it also highlights products ideal for use in the local environment.
we specialise in designing large scale masterplans and building quality affordable buildings.
A good building is all about the people who design and build it, who own and operate it, but most of all, who use it. A good building is simple to create, operate, adapt and ultimately remove; it’s cost-effective over its lifecycle; it respects its environment; and it is appropriately functional.
Success can be measured by outcomes achieved. Is there a formula for achieving it? We think so, and call it ‘building performance engineering’. It’s about striking the right balance between science, art and economics, and applying ingenuity for enhanced outcomes.
TLP's universe of creative thinkers is centred around our clients – you. We’re joined-up across sectors and geographies, giving you access to exceptional breadth and depth of expertise and experience. We can offer fully integrated cross-disciplinary engineering, or services in a single discipline if that is your preference. Whatever your chosen procurement strategy, we will always be looking for opportunities to think across boundaries for the benefit of the project.
Applied Ingenuity
You can bring us on board at any stage of the asset cycle and we’ll find all practicable means of enhancing its performance in economic, social or environmental dimensions. Or we can work with you throughout the lifecycle of your project, providing the joined-up thinking that’s needed for optimum outcomes. It is our understanding of all phases of the lifecycle, from project shaping to through-life optimisation, that enables us to give best-informed advice within any phase.
Our performance engineering approach applies equally to existing buildings, where the triple bottom line of enhanced value, reduced carbon and fitness for changing lifestyles drives an increasingly urgent need for improvement.
The fast-moving nature of sustainability means that there are constantly changing technology, financial and policy issues which offer new opportunities for clients in their search for the right sustainability solution. We have exceptional capabilities when it comes to transferring policy and knowledge across borders and nations and our building consultancy expertise is sought to influence all types of developments – from single buildings to whole communities and cities.